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registered office BE
deSingel c/ GRIP vzw
Jan van Rijswijcklaan 155/5
2018 Antwerp
VAT: BE 0546 724 068

postal address BE
GRIP c/ Zonzo Compagnie
Offerandestraat 1a
2060 Antwerp

foundation NL
Stichting GRIP
postbus 1484
3000 BL Rotterdam
The Netherlands
KvK number: 63435381
VAT: NL 855235391B01

ethical code GRIP
GRIP focuses on a proactive policy to guarantee a respectful and ethical working environment. The organization established an ethical code for itself and its employees that can be consulted >here<.


board of directors

    Kristof Blom
    Ellen De Bin
    Michel Defloor
    Khadija El Kharraz Alami