© Bruno Simão
© Bruno Simão
© Bruno Simão
© Bruno Simão
a self-portrait in the form of a collage

ODE TO THE ATTEMPT is Jan Martens’ own solo in which he stages an airy deconstruction of his creative process. Through a series of ‘attempts’, he invites the audience to take a look inside his head and inside his computer.

For Jan Martens, ODE TO THE ATTEMPT functions in the first instance as a sanctuary: a welcome place in which to experiment after the making of a series of solos (e.g. BIS), duets (e.g. SWEAT BABY SWEAT) and a group show (THE DOG DAYS ARE OVER). The creative process resulted in a self-portrait in the form of a collage: a gem stripped of all its frills in which Martens, by means of different ‘attempts’, unleashes fragments of his creative process on the audience. Dancing, talking and writing, he touches on a range of themes such as authenticity, manipulation, perfectionism, humour and melancholy. Drawing on the history of dance and his own personal history, he blends work and private life organically in this solo for himself.

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press quotes

'ODE TO THE ATTEMPT shows that the real world in which we live, with its selfies, figures of speech and cool attitudes, is a world of performances.'
- Boukje Cnossen, Theaterkrant, 11 April 2015****

'Workouts for the mind, dressed in cheeky humour.'
- Brian Seibert, The New York Times, 29 September 2014

'ODE TO THE ATTEMPT has the structure of an investigation, the tone of a proposal and the pace of a club track.'
- Fransien van der Putt, Cultuurpers, 21 October 2015


PREMIERE: 26 March 2014, Festival Cement ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
BY AND WITH: Jan Martens
DURATION: 30 minutes

INTERNATIONAL DIFFUSION: A Propic / Line Rousseau & Marion Gauvent
THANKS TO: Jeroen Bosch, Kristin de Groot, Michel Spang, Joris van Oosterwijk & all Bproject Partners (co-funded by the European Commission): Jheronimus Bosch 500 (NL), Comune di Bassano del Grappa (IT), Dance Umbrella London (UK) , La Briqueterie/CDC du Val de Marne (FR), D.ID Dance Identity (AT), Festival Cement (NL) & Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL)