Steven Michel & Curtain Call Productions

an optical fantasia where the ear can see and the eye can hear

THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS is a dance performance that balances between advanced Tik Tak and Bauhaus for beginners. With this solo performance Steven Michel gives form to his fascination for sound, rhythm, animation and image. Bringing to life an imaginary universe on stage, he takes the audience to a place where music and image excite their imagination and confuse their perception of what is actually happening.

Out of an ongoing fascination for the audio-visual relationship in performance, Steven Michel treats the elements ‘light’, ‘scenography’, ‘music’ and ‘physical presence’ equally in THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS. The movement he creates is interwoven with the music by Anna Meredith, the light design by Hans Meijer and the scenography which was designed by the artist duo Sarah&Charles. The result of this approach is a synesthetic symphony: an optical fantasia where the ear can see and the eye can hear. The audience is invited to travel parallel worlds of sound and image, where the distinction between art and entertainment fades. With its form, THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS poses questions about the relationships between the artificial, the natural, the lively, the lifeless, the ethereal and the monumental.


“Fascinating to see how, out of a bare back on its head with a turquoise pair of shorts on top, you're spontaneously going to make a little puppet. With strange little arms.” - Wijbrand Schaap, Cultuurpers, 10 March 2017*****

"The contemplation is all the richer, weirder and visually staggering." - Christophe Candoni, IO Gazette, 31 March 2016

"It’s a journey where every point of reference is scattered, like a strange trip at the edge of science fiction, where space and body are in absolute and perfect communion with the music.” - Rick Panegy, IO Gazette, 31 March 2016

tour dates

show past tour dates

No future lines


BY AND WITH: Steven Michel
SCENOGRAPHY: Sarah&Charles
MUSIC: Anna Meredith
COSTUME ADVICE: Hannah Christeson
ADVICE: Jan Martens

PRODUCTION: Curtain Call Productions
INTERNATIONAL DIFFUSION: A Propic / Line Rousseau and Marion Gauvent
CO-PRODUCTION: workspacebrussels, TAKT Dommelhof, Cement Festival and CAMPO
WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF: the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region
THANKS TO: STUK, wpZimmer and GRIP