MEET UP with the students of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp 2024

May 16th, 2024, GRIP had a second MEET UP with the students at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp. This time GRIP's four choreographers, the company manager and the artistic coordinator had a conversation with the students on political engagement.

How do you deal with that as an artist? How do you deal with that as an organisation? What is the link between your personal political views and your work as a dancer/choreographer? And what about the sector's empowerment when it comes to conflicts in the world? It is a pressing issue at this time when we are once again facing censorship at home and abroad.

There are no ready-made solutions but the GRIP team is happy to have exchanged ideas on this with students at the conservatory.

MEET UP with the students of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp 2024

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