workshop around VOICE NOISE by Elisha Mercelina at Le Manège

On February 22, 2025 Elisha Mercelina will be giving a workshop around VOICE NOISE at Le Manège in Reims.

In this research workshop about VOICE NOISE, Elisha Mercelina will guide participants through a few principles of the creative process behind the performance VOICE NOISE by Jan Martens. Throughout the session, the focus will be on exploring the music of the performance, which curates remarkable, unheard, or overlooked women's voices from the past hundred years. The workshop will delve into the potential of recorded voices as catalysts for movement. Participants will be encouraged to embody these voices in their own unique way, using them as an inspiration to uncover their core identity as dancers. The overarching question guiding the exploration is: how can the voice serve as an invitation to reveal our most essential dancing selves?

workshop around VOICE NOISE by Elisha Mercelina at Le Manège © Phile Deprez

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