atelier par Cherish Menzo à Montpellier Danse

Les 9 et 12 décembre, 2024 Cherish Menzo donnera un atelier chez Montpellier Danse.

"In my current research, monstrosity becomes a way to reshape and strategize dominant and accepted narratives.
Using the body, the voice, and sound, we will attempt to develop a common lexical that refers to existing narratives that we might recognize as the "familiar" or the "known."
By applying distortion, decay, and dissonance, we will strive to challenge these existing matters. Glitching, scratching, and remixing this common lexical, we seek the Uncanny, the Enigmatic, and the Monstrous."

atelier par Cherish Menzo à Montpellier Danse © Bas de Brouwer

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